Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. (Suppl.) 2: 116, f. 45; 1552d. Neritos cyclopera. Neritos cyclopera, Hmpsn. A. M. N. H. (7) xv. p. 446 (1905). Antennae of male serrate and fasciculate ; fore wing with the apex produced, the termen oblique ; hind wing with vein 7 from before end of cell. m . Palpi yellow tinged will) scarlet behind and with brown spot yellow ; thorax purple-brown ; pectus and legs yellow, fore femora crimson in front ; abdomen yellow, dorsally scarlet except at extremity. Fore wing with the dark purple-brown from eosta before middle to termen above tornus, its outer edge somewhat angled at lower angle of cell and vein 3 ; the apical area yellow with a large elliptical purple-brown subapical patch with a* little scarlet above it on costa and its outer edge waved. Hind wing orange-yellow with a fuscous terminal band, extending on costa to middle, then sinuous to tornus. Hab. Yr. Guiana., St. Jean Maroni (Schaus), 1 6 type. Exp. 30 millim